Since pediatric medicine provides a comprehensive approach, taking care of growth and development from baby to adult, and not focusing on one field (organ), it is called medicine for child health and development. Our department plays the role of principal medical facility of the region. Specialists in each field communicate and take integral decisions on diagnosis and treatment policy. At the same time, each specialist group is actively involved in research activities with their own theme.
We provide diagnosis and treatment for endocrinal and metabolic diseases including genetic analysis of short children with various causes. We provide diagnosis/treatment for leukemia/solid tumor including hematopoietic cell transplantation, diagnosis/treatment for cardiac diseases using a cardiac catheter, diagnosis and treatment policy determination for pediatric liver diseases such as hepatic fever and cholestatic liver disease, and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of the hepatitis virus, using renal biopsy. Also, the Perinatal Center (Neonatal Ward) is heavily used as the only neonatal intensive-care unit in the region, managing severely affected infants and extremely low-birth-weight infants.