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Aimed at the development and application of medical technology, Share the joy of health with the people of the region.

Tottori University Hospital Information



New Outpatient Registration

First visit

8:30 am to 10:30 am




15 minute walk from Yonago Station

8 minutes via the Yonago City Junkan Bus from Yonago Station

4 minutes by Hinomaru Bus from Yonago Station (Disembark at Daigakumae)

25 minutes by bus from Yonago Airport

Parking Information


Up to 30 minutes free parking

After 30 minutes up to 1 hour for 100 yen
Each additional hour will cost an additional 100 yen (including times under 1 hour)

100 yen (Up to 24 hours with a “Outpatient Care Receipt” for that day)
Each additional hour will cost an additional 100 yen (including times under 1 hour)

  • Patients receiving Outpatient Care during normal business hours should obtain a magnetic parking pass (100 yen) at the Parking Lot 1 office during regular business hours (7:30am - 5:00pm) or at the After Hours Outpatient Reception.
  • Patients checking into the hospital for inpatient care should refrain from using the parking lot.
  • All other visitors must pay the standard parking fee.
  • Since parking is limited, please use other transportation methods whenever possible.
  • Please do not park near the entrance of the Emergency Center or in front of the outpatient entrance, as the area needs to be kept clear for ambulances.
  • Those coming by bicycle, moped or motorcycle should use the bicycle parking lot next to the outpatient entrance.

Outpatient Service

Reception Hours and Clinic Holidays

Reception for First-time Patients 8:30~10:30
Reception for Re-examination 8:30~11:00 ※The automated reception service is available from 8:00.
Clinic Start Time 9:00~
Clinic Holidays Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, New Year’s Holidays (December 29th – January 3rd)

Examination Process Flow

  1. Processing
    Patients arriving for their initial examination should fill out the "First Visitation Form" while all others should fill out the re-examination form.
  2. Reception at Each Department
    Please wait in the waiting room for the relevant department for your number to be called. If you are feeling unwell, please do not hesitate to inform our staff.
  3. Examination
  4. Payment

First-time Patients

Please fill out the "Examination Application Form" and attach your insurance card and other required information, place the form in the reception box near reception window(2) and have a seat.

  • Please include any proof of benefits for elderly, infants, etc. or any documentation related to public benefits by submitting them with your insurance card.
  • In no insurance card is provided, the entire examination fee will be charged in full to the patient. (The hospital will not accept copies or faxes of insurance cards or other forms.)
  • Please inform the staff at time of reception if you are visiting us due to an injury cased by such things as a traffic accident or an on-the-job injury.

If you have a letter of introduction from another medical institution, please submit this together with your insurance card and other documentation when filling in your examination application form. (If you do not have a letter of introduction from another medical institution, there will be a special fee (Special Medical Expense) of 3,150 yen charged in addition to the normal examination fee.)

After you have completed reception, we will call your name.